Mom, I think I'm anemic.

The New Year came in with a bang for my hubby and I. Business was booming and we were booking deals left and right. Being nine months into the business, we were very accustomed to extremely long hours and very late nights. Feeling tired and worn out was a normal routine for us. In February, I started feeling ridiculously exhausted. I knew something was wrong because this was a slightly different feeling that just being overworked. Jt and I also took note of my Casper-like, sickly complexion. Something was very wrong. So what did I do? I called my mom like any of you would do.

"Mom, I'm super tired all the time and deathly pale. I googled you think I could be anemic?"

"Well, yea, that sounds about right. You need more iron and you need to get some vitamin D. You need some sunlight," she said.

"Do I need to eat more meat? I mean, you don't get this way when you are pregnant, do you? But, there's NO WAY I'm pregnant!! That's impossible."

Naturally, more signs and symptoms prompted me to take a pregnancy test. Now, I had taken tests before probably knowing they would be negative, so I knew what a you're-not-pregnant-test looked like. Almost immediately, TWO lines popped up on the test. TWO! I ran out of the bathroom to show Jt just as some good friends of ours walked in the door. Katie & Aj are also expecting their first child, and they were the first to confirm the results. "Two lines means you're pregnant!!!"

We felt nothing but sheer shock and joy. Just a few days prior, I was putting dishes away and said to Jt, "Babe, it's okay if we need to wait a year or two to have babies. I'm okay with that." Bam! Pregnant! This same scenario played out almost four years ago too. I had just told a friend that I had sworn off dating for ten years and meant it with my whole heart. Coincidentally, that was the same weekend I met Jt.

Though I have had baby fever here and there, actually making our own baby was not on our to do list yet. We were completely surprised and we are thrilled to meet our little one on October 26th!

I have plenty more stories already of the weird things pregnancy makes you do, feel, and say. Stay tuned...

* our little nugget at 6 weeks *

And baby makes three. :)


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