I love me some music and quinoa salad!

My hubby has gone indoor rock climbing with his buddies and I'm home alone. I found myself running to my keys instead of the t.v. for some down time tonight and was so encouraged that I was having fun and wanted to sing and practice without ceasing!

Adele is a British artist with a husky, soulful voice, and every single song on her album has been artfully crafted. Gone are the pop formulas. No, this girl sings GOOD songs. I challenged myself to learn "Turning Tables." Now you will find Adele casually sitting on a wooden stool while she freels sings from her soul. I, however, was determined to do both - play the rhythmic keyboard line and sing freely. This is HARD to do, but every day it gets a little easier. So here is my cover. Pleas share this friends and family!

And here is the great Adele singing the same song.

Cooking Corner:
Quinoa Salad

This recipe is an absolutely amazing, fresh summer salad. Instead of using mint or parsley, I like to use cilantro. Also, I've made it without tofu and it's amazing. I'll be making it with the tofu tonight so we shall see how this goes!

It's healthy and FABULOUS! Try it. :)


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